in English
This is the main page for a selection of articles from, translated to English. is a Norwegian web-magazine for Music and Hi-Fi in two- or more channels.
Our articles are sorted into 3 main catogorys.
- Main Articles, that can consst of hardware reviews, articels from arrangements, or other articles.
- News. The overwhelming majority of these are eiditorial news, while press-releases alså can occure.
- Music. In this category you can find Record Reviews and consert reviews
Children categories
In this department you can find Music-articles.
There are two main categorys - RECORD NEWS and RECORD REVIEWS.
In the category Record Reviews, you can also find consert reviews and other music articles.
In this department we publish articles about product-, record- and industry news.
All articles are editorial, unless otherwise mentioned.
Articles / Tests
In this department you can find equipment reviews, and larger articles about other subjects.