Tuesday, 14 July 2015 20:55

Streaming news from Cambridge Audio

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Cambridge Audio has good news for owners of many of their streamers. New app, Spotify Connect and support for DSD are keywords.


Cambridge Connect

Cambridge Audio today announced software update of their streamers. They have developed a new app. This happens in combi nation with some existing services laid down, as www.stream-magic.com . Put together this should provide an easier use, according to Cambridge Audio. The new app is named Cambrige Connect.



Spotify Connect

The streamers NP30, Minx XI and Stream Magic 6 will by using spoftware update access Spotify Connect. This is as known a solution that ensures that streaming happens directly to the devices.




The new top-class streamers will now also have access to streaming DSD from the network. This applies to 851N and CXN.


Read more about updates at Cambridge Audio.

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Last modified on Tuesday, 14 July 2015 21:08
Karl Erik Sylthe

Redaktør i Audiophile.no

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